Maestro has multiple interfaces:

Command Line Interface

The command line interface is avaialble via the maestro jar file:

usage: coe
-c,--configuration <path>   Path to configuration file
-e,--endtime <time>         The start time of the simulation
-h,--help                   Show this description
-l,--load <path>            Attempt to load a single FMU
-o,--oneshot                Run a single simulation and shutdown
-p,--port <port>            The port where the REST interface will be
-r,--result <path>          Path where the csv data should be writting to
-s,--starttime <time>       The start time of the simulation
-v                          Verbose
-version,--version          Version
-x,--extract <type>         Extract values: 'script'

Master Web Interface for Co-Simulation

The master web interface is described in the following document: :protocol

It is also suggested to use the INTO-CPS Application to generate the required configuration and then examine the JSON to see the structure based on a given example.

Slave Web Interface for Co-Simulation

Efforts are being carried out to add the documentation of the slave web interface. Please ask if required.